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The firm's second electronic version of the Commercial Litigation Review will focus on the 'hot topics' currently facing businesses in the UK and worldwide.

Our 'Special Focus' article will focus on the draft UK Bribery Bill which has now been put before Parliament. The firm's very own James Maton was recently asked to give evidence to Parliament on the terms of the Bill and he survived relatively unscathed.

We also look at the increasing trend of the courts to push the parties to mediation; Lord Justice Jackson's analysis of the increased costs of litigation; and the Woolf reforms ten years on.

A short synopsis of all the articles in this issue of the Review are detailed below, as well as being listed on the left column, for your ease of reference.

We hope you enjoy this edition of the Review.

Antonio Suarez-Martinez
Editor / Associate (London)
t: +44 (0) 20 7556 4526




UK Focus

Special Focus

UK Bribery Bill: The draft UK Bribery Bill has now been presented to Parliament. James Maton examines its scope and highlights why UK companies must begin now to implement procedures to ensure they comply with the Bill's provisions. More>>


A review of the recent West Tankers decision concerning the ability of the English Courts to order anti-suit injunctions and subsequent developments. More>>


Consideration of the Court of Appeal decision concerning the fairness of bank charges which may have long-term repercussions for the way banks do business in the future. More>>


Analysis of the new regime introduced by the Employment Act 2008 and the impact it will have on dismissal, disciplinary and grievance procedures. More>>


Analysis of Lord Justice Jackson's preliminary report on the vexed issue of the increased cost of litigation in the English courts. More>>

Analysis of the impact of the Woolf reforms on litigation ten years since their implementation. More>>

The Supreme Court is set to replace the House of Lords in October 2009. We look at the implementation of the move. More>>


Anaylsis off the English courts' increasingly interventional approach at resolving disputes and whether mediation has now become a compulsory step in the process. More>>


Litigation News

A brief look at topical litigation-related issues in the UK. More>>


US Focus


A review of the increase in parallel shareholder civil actions brought as a result of criminal investigations and whether this US trend will be reflected in England. More>>


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